“Papa . . . What do you do for a living?” It’s a question that comes out of nowhere and makes every parent proud. And it’s what spurred this web developer parent to teach his son code. A great article, inspiring on many levels: How My 10-Year-Old Learned Javascript
Learning To Code
Just do it
Want to know one of the keys I’ve found to online learning (both learning how to code, and other things)? It’s as simple as this: Just do it! Yes, that “slogan” is an overused cliche by now, but it still holds true. Whenever I find myself not spending enough time learning how to code, and Read the rest…
Please do learn to code
Please do learn to code. Check it out, and discover how it’s become “the essential 21st century skill”.
How To Stop CodePen Auto Reload
I use CodePen a lot these days, both because Free Code Camp requires you to submit your work for their “code it yourself” challenges (calles Ziplines) challenges via CodePen, but also because it’s quick and easy to test something out live. CodePen is a playground for the front end side of the web. It’s all about inspiration, Read the rest…
Getting Started With JSON, A Love Story
DISCLAIMER: This is not a tutorial, but a short anecdotal story about my newfound love JSON, our relationship, and what it has taught me about myself. It’s been about 5 months since I started learning JavaScript. I have progressed slowly, due in part to me wanting to understand everything as I go along. The tweet Read the rest…